I Love Love Love winter. It is a time for rest and renewal. Taking a cue from our Mother (Nature) I enjoy the peaceful quiet that comes from winter time. As Mother Nature strips down to her Lichen Long-johns for a foggy respite from creating growth, so do I take advantage of the short daylight hours.
Have you noticed what daylight induces? One must weed, mow, rake, hoe, clip, prune, paint, mend fences, wash cars, and while the hose is out, wash windows...and oh, the house. None of which can be done if it is dark when you return home from work, or it is too cold out, or there is nothing to mow, weed, prune or rake.
So who wouldn't love a cup of hot mint tea, a good book, and a foggy or rainy, or snowy, or darkening day? I do, I do. Ah, good old winter who comes but a few months a year. Can you stay? Have some tea?