Western Oregon is drunk with lushness. Lush is a good way to describe the wet side of the state...oh, oh, and verdant! Can't forget verdant. The greens range from the near-yellow to the darkest emeralds all in one felled swoop.
Scotch Broom sweeps down the canyons in a rush to congregate along the ditch where pollen laden blooms send future sneezes to unsuspecting motorists. Tree limbs, rested from their winter idleness, bow under the burden of unfurling new leaves as sap runs to the top of the highest bough. And barn-eating blackberry bushes, coated now with white blossoms, send a promise of delicious jelly on warm toast.
Spring, late as it is now, furnishes the region with an abundance of beautiful blooms. Flowers literally drip from rock walls, clamber up from ditches and reach for the blue sky. It's just warm enough to bring memories of sweltering summer days on the horizon but now cool enough to allow a moment of relaxation in this late warmth of spring.