Thursday, December 19, 2013


Those of us who live near the western edge of the continent are familiar with the way the sun rides low in the December sky.  While walking on the Pacific Ocean beach late in the day last week Mother Sun cast her light beams filling the surf foam with diamonds reminiscent of a jewelry store counter at Christmas.

The diamond studded foam, pushed by the incoming tide, formed a profile of a woman.  Since the sun was shining right into my eyes and camera lens, catching a shot of that sight was iffy at best.  But, I aimed and clicked away.

What I got turned out to be, indeed, the sparkly profile I was aiming for.  But what else appeared stunned me.  The sparkling effervescent mermaid in the receding surf glowed as she walked toward me with arms outstretched, hair flowing in the ripples.  Well, that will not likely happen again!

See for yourself!


  1. One of my favorite shots! I do love the image of the ethereal spirit approaching with open arms. Your photos definitely make me want to go "tripping" among the beauty spots of the area. Well, that's just about anywhere you look, isn't it?!

  2. Nice writing and shooting. Keep these coming. Off-season armchair touring at its best.


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