Monday, April 14, 2014


Spring has sprung, so spring into Spring with a spring in your step.  OK enough, well you get the point.  Being cooped up all winter can make a person silly.  Look at the sun streaming through the moss in the pix below.  The ferns are leafed out, the wild flowers are ready for your eyes and the birds are singing.  There are trails to hike, fresh, crisp air to breath and wonderful sites to take in.  Just think, hike a mile,  burn 100 calories.  That is a good goal after a winter of sedentary life.  Oh, I am speaking for myself of course.  But burning calories is a good goal if you can't be prompted by the smells, sounds, and sights of a new morning in a Spring forest.  We have all heard the old question: "If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it...?"  Well, I can assure you that the forest with it's trees, moss, ferns, wild flowers et al will do just fine without us there as a witness to the beauty.  But would we humans do as well?  Would we thrive without bearing witness to that beauty?  No matter where you live in the Pacific Northwest, there is a trail similar to the one pictured here just waiting for your foot steps.  As I have traveled around this area I am surprised at how often I find this same scene: Newly unfurled ferns, clinging & hanging moss, old stairs leading on to more.  You will too.  Check your local maps for parks, pack a lunch, strap on your hiking boots and head out.  A huge breath of fresh Spring air is just what your lungs need.  Your whole body will thank you for the refreshing reawakening it will get from the burst of energy received when you embark on a Spring walk in the woods.  Don't forget your camera.  And please add a comment in my "comment" field about where you went and what you saw.


  1. Where is this? I wanna go there!

  2. You are right it is time to get out and smell the roses, ferns, skunk cabbage or what ever is along the trail. See ya there.

  3. Is that Sweet Creek Trail near Mapleton?

  4. Is this Sweet Creek Trail near Mapleton?

  5. Yes, it is the Sweet Creek Trail. What a beauty!


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