It's November. The long hot summer of 2015 is in the record books. Whether you live in the city or the country, take a few minutes out of your busy day before the holiday season smacks you upside the head. Get out, breath some cool air. Splash in a puddle, pick up a beautiful leaf. Anywhere you are, there are lovely spots where you can refresh and renew your spirit with a brief walk along leaf strewn paths (or sidewalks). Kick some leaves, pick up a few, revel in the small works of art placed at your feet.
November, 2015 will not come this way again so don't let it pass without giving it a proverbial hug. Embrace the illusive sun as it dips behind a rain cloud. Rejoice in what rain does fall. Our parched Earth is thirsty. Hum as you go. Put any worries you have in a sack and leave them on the porch for later. Who knows, when you return, maybe some stranger will have picked them up hoping for a surprise. Novembers freshness has a way of offering a different perspective to those worries anyway. Especially if you take time to kick a few leaves, splash in a puddle, and smile, smile, smile.
Wonderful color. Thanks for the refreshing outdoor interlude.