Go camping, traveling, hiking, fishing or wilderness viewing for very little money and even less hassle. Do so in safety and comfort. Affordable van camping for the less intrepid. Follow me as I trek around the Pacific Northwest. Books: Tripping On a Shoestring, Tripping On Oregon's Treasures and The Big One available at tripshoe@gmail.com as well as Amazon.
Monday, December 25, 2017
What with the long rainy season, followed by happy mosquitoes long past their usual “sell-by” date, on the heels of an extended fire season, my trips of camping and hiking were pretty thin this year. That allowed me to experience some of the special moments here in Oregon’s State Capital, Salem.
We have a special avenue here lined with old maples. They pay us a huge bonus every Autumn with a tunnel of gold. Gold above, gold on the left, gold on the right and a pile of gold underfoot to kick to our hearts content. All the while breezes lift gold from the fingers of limbs to launch them into the air. The gold maple leaves spin, twist, turn and amuse all who walk through the tunnel as the leaves fall to Earth.
Then, there was the total solar eclipse event! The universe gave me a diamond ring. What an engagement party we had! Will next year top this? Stay tuned...
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Have you ever been to Dufur? Well, just check out the layers the Earth has to offer when you view the horizon from across that Central Oregon landscape. Between the natural rise and fall created by volcanic activity eons ago is the active agriculture taking place minute by minute. As you can see, that is where our bread comes from, wheat, that is. I visited on a cloudy day with spits from the clouds as they trundled north. That only brought another lovely layer into play.
Mt. Hood was actively pulling it's misty hood over it's peak when I took the photo below. Driving home through that wet hood was another story. While I enjoyed the drive along that beautiful stretch of highway following Hood River, it was a challenge to stay "in the lines" and gawk off at the same time. Generally, I just pulled over. Whew! So, if you are up for a layered look, stop by Dufur and take the back route from Hood River south over Mt. Hood. Lovely, lovely, lovely!
Monday, May 29, 2017
Western Oregon is drunk with lushness. Lush is a good way to describe the wet side of the state...oh, oh, and verdant! Can't forget verdant. The greens range from the near-yellow to the darkest emeralds all in one felled swoop.
Scotch Broom sweeps down the canyons in a rush to congregate along the ditch where pollen laden blooms send future sneezes to unsuspecting motorists. Tree limbs, rested from their winter idleness, bow under the burden of unfurling new leaves as sap runs to the top of the highest bough. And barn-eating blackberry bushes, coated now with white blossoms, send a promise of delicious jelly on warm toast.
Spring, late as it is now, furnishes the region with an abundance of beautiful blooms. Flowers literally drip from rock walls, clamber up from ditches and reach for the blue sky. It's just warm enough to bring memories of sweltering summer days on the horizon but now cool enough to allow a moment of relaxation in this late warmth of spring.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
In case you have wondered about all the brew-ha-ha regarding the Elliot State Forest, here are two classic examples. The top photo is a recent shot of the Golden Falls, the bottom is the Silver Falls. These gorgeous water falls are located in the Golden and Silver Falls State Park just on the border of the Elliot. It, too, is owned by us: The folks in the State of Oregon. Have you visited? No? Well, it is worth the trip. They are up in the Coast Range outside of Coos Bay. For closer info, just check the Oregon State Park website. The walk to each falls takes you through old growth Douglas Fir and all that comes with it. A visit anytime brings you special treats: Wildflowers, butterflies, and thunderous water falls. There is even a boulder along the trail with a full sized tree growing right out of it. It's a scenic drive and gets you out into some of the prettiest country side around. Don't miss this one!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Maybe I was a homecoming queen when I was 16 because I am, and always have been, a day dream believer. Don't you feel that when you open your eyes every morning and all limbs work, all systems are go, that being upright and ambulatory is worth a smile? While walking the Oregon State Capitol grounds today, I noticed a smile on everyones face. The blue sky? The fluffy clouds? Maybe the pink blossoms of the cherry trees? Whatever it was, get yours on (smile, that is) and join me in being a Day Dream Believer...being a homecoming queen is overrated...but I can't say enough about the "day dream believer" part.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
So, folks, "ain't life just ducky"? We have almost made it out of one of our wettest winters here in the Pacific Northwest. I think I have moss between my toes and they are anxious to get the hiking boots laced on and get moving.
This fuzzy little guy was only a day or so old when I stressed his Mama by getting his pix. But, isn't he just lovely? Makes me think of renewal, the future...and most of all...developing a down coating of my own so problems just run off like "water off a duck's back". And, is that a smile on his little face? I like to think so.
My back yard was about the size of my photo trips this winter. The ice was melting from the maple fingers. Couldn't resist the diamonds right outside my kitchen window.
My hope is for a lovely Spring, Summer, and Autumn. I have trails to walk, photos to take and share with you, and an eclipse to glimpse. I hope for an active season for you, see you on the trail.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
So, folks I have spent the last year writing a book for YOU! It has everything you need to get started on the way to disaster preparedness. Since there are 13 million of us living in the Cascadia Subduction Zone where an imminent earthquake in the 9+ magnitude range is just holding it's breath, I thought it would be useful to have a manual to guide you step-by-step as you prepare to live your best life after the dust settles. This manual takes the guess work out of it for you. Proceed page by page and in no time (and little cost) you will be ready for THE BIG ONE. You can email me at tripshoe@gmail.com for more information. I know this is a hard topic to wrap your mind around, hence this manual. Let me be your guide as we prepare to have clean drinking water, good food and (best part) sanitation.

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