Saturday, June 17, 2017


Have you ever been to Dufur? Well, just check out the layers the Earth has to offer when you view the horizon from across that Central Oregon landscape. Between the natural rise and fall created by volcanic activity eons ago is the active agriculture taking place minute by minute. As you can see, that is where our bread comes from, wheat, that is. I visited on a cloudy day with spits from the clouds as they trundled north. That only brought another lovely layer into play.

Mt. Hood was actively pulling it's misty hood over it's peak when I took the photo below. Driving home through that wet hood was another story. While I enjoyed the drive along that beautiful stretch of highway following Hood River, it was a challenge to stay "in the lines" and gawk off at the same time. Generally, I just pulled over. Whew! So, if you are up for a layered look, stop by Dufur and take the back route from Hood River south over Mt. Hood. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

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  1. Click on the post to go to blog and view photos large for your enjoyment.


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