Sunday, May 3, 2015


The darlingtonias in the photo below remind me of gossips. They have their "heads" together whispering while their "tongues" wag as they await the next bug to enter their domain. You can find a pond of them at the Darlingtonia Gardens north of Florence, Oregon. Sprinkled in with these charmers are magnificent skunk cabbage blooming their little yellow heads off. 

Bald eagles get their final feather color after they are several years old. The two-year old having "duck a l'orange" for breakfast on this spring morning was suspicious of the Canadian geese lurking behind him. Little does he know, they are vegans. But he was taking no chances as he cast aspersions to all who came within reach. 

So your breakfast menu choice may not include insects or dead ducks (or live ones for that matter), but mother (nature) feeds us all per our inclinations. Mine is to get out and see--see it all--look until my eyes give out! I hope that is what you will do as we launch into this beautiful season. Don't forget your camera. You will want to look, over and over, as you remember this spring. 

                                                 Darlingtonias awaiting a buggy breakfast

                   Two-year old bald eagle having duck a l'orange on Umpqua River sand bar

1 comment:

  1. We met on the trail at Silver Falls and we talked about the Spring Blue Butterflies flitting about. Love your website. Finally got a chance to check it out. We have been exploring the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Badlands. Amazing. Very different from beautiful Oregon but breath taking as well. We experienced a spring snow storm today that made travel quite an adventure. Judy and Ralph of


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