Under the sea, the beautiful sea, mollusks live and die. Their shells break into tiny particles and become part of the sand. In some places the whiteness provided by these shells equip the tide with the tools required of any artist to paint patterns. Oceans, of course, have no such intent. But if they had, I believe it would look like the swirls produced by receding waves as they washed shell-laden sand around a large rock on the Pacific shore.
Then consider where jig-saw puzzles come from. The tall Ponderosa Pine sheds outer layers of bark each Spring as it grows a bit in circumference. These small pieces about 1 - 2 inches across resemble pieces in any jig-saw puzzle box. If you are enamored of such puzzles, I would bet you would be hard pressed to walk under the Ponderosa Pine without wanting to solve a puzzle or two.
Mother Nature gives us patterns to delight our eyes, tickle our fancy, and sooth our soul. Take time to absorb the wondrous variety that abounds on your next hike.