Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I know most of us don't see the beauty possessed by Oregon's Turkey Vulture (Buzzard). But in the pix below that beauty is readily apparent as these two spread their six foot wings to capture the sun's rays. Perching high above the forest floor in the limbs of an old growth fir, the color and shine of their feathers is exhibited. Having just visited a small dammed-up creek, they had wet feathers. This is their "clothes line" method of getting dry.

As scavengers they are a useful resource keeping the forest floor cleaned as they "vacuum" bacteria which could infect passing birds and mammals. While they rarely kill their meal, preferring older carrion, they hunt with keen eyesight and an excellent sense of smell.

You may see them as they soar the thermals in the hills and valleys of Oregon. When you do, give them a salute for the beauty and grace they bring to our land. And give them a thanks as they "clean-up" our favorite hiking spots, farms and forests. I don't know about you, but that job is not one I would "relish" so I tip my hat to the lofty Buzzard as he quietly goes about his life sweeping, dusting & mopping up.

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