Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Celebrating the Summer Solstice brought me to the top of Mary's Peak here in Oregon. It is considered to be the highest spot in the Coast Range. The top is dressed in large rolling meadows filled with Field Chickweed which lures butterflies to linger. Walking to the top from the parking lot took me past rocky slopes filled with Broad Gentian, Indian Paintbrush, Spreading Phlox, Sand Dune Wallflowers, Sheep Sorrel, Yarrow and Larkspur with an occasional Daisy and Clover thrown in. The color was head-spinning, or was I dizzy due to the elevation? 

The two predominant butterflies were the Spring Azure and the Meadow Fritillary. Both were busy but did stop for a pix. 

There were skiffs of clouds scooting around the mountain tops with patches of blue showing through enough to kid ourselves about Summer's arrival. Oh well, it will come. Then we can all gear up, get out and enjoy the eye-popping vistas awaiting. Plan to put your head in the clouds and enjoy!

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