Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Metolius River's Windex Blue

How many of you have visited the Metolius River in Central Oregon?  It is one of those memorable gems that bubble up out of the ground and runs along a bed of volcanic rock thereby leaving the water  crystal clear. The banks are filled with grasses and wild flowers running through pine forests and mountain meadows.  "Fly Fishing Only" signs are posted all along the paths that line both sides of the river. While hiking the river paths, one can see deer, a multitude of birds, butterflies galore and other folks out enjoying the beauty.

A few miles from it's source, the river runs through a rock-bed trench.  I don't know if this is what causes the "windex blue" color of the river but it is a show stopper.  Once again, I nearly did myself in when I rounded the corner and there it was:  Bluer than blue.  I grabbed my camera, opened the van door to realize that I had yet to stop, put the van in park, and THEN get out... Well, like I said before, my tombstone will say "But, She got a GREAT pix!"  So here it is, that nearly fatal shot of the impossible blue Metolius River as it runs through the Cascade Range here in Oregon.

I hope you will visit the area and experience it for yourself. Bring your camera and fly pole.  I don't know about the "Fly Fishing" part.  How do you clean the things?  Do you cook them? Think I will stick to walking the pathways and leave fishing for flys to the fishermen.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing color, can't wait to visit...maybe even catch a fly.


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