Friday, December 6, 2013

Pillars of Rome, Oregon

This morning here in Salem, Oregon we are getting our first snow of the season, indeed, the first for several years.  It isn't a lot of snow but it does remind us that it is December.  These flakes remind me of one of my first trips.  I took a week late in May to travel to Rome, Oregon to view the Pillars of Rome.  As I left Salem, I traveled over the Cascade Mountains and drove through a snow storm.  I nearly 'rethunk' the whole 'May travel' idea.  But, I kept going on into Burns where everything was frozen then turned south to Rome.  Rome is a very well kept secret here in Oregon.  The Pillars of Rome rise out of the desert floor to a height of 100', range 5 miles long by about 2 miles across.  These clay pillars house a number of birds and other wildlife.  They are exceptionally fragile and beautiful.

If you have never been, I suggest you put it on your travel list.  There is a new state park for camping right off the highway on the Owyhee River.  So I will post a pix to whet your appetite
for the Pillars of Rome.
Happy travels...
Pillars of Rome, Oregon

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