Friday, April 25, 2014


It's Spring! Beautiful bouquets blast right out of the Terra Firma. They are there whether you are there to enjoy them or not.  That's the beauty of nature.  It doesn't need us mortals. It flourishes very well without us. Get into those hiking boots, grab your camera and head out on any trail. Of course you could prepare with help from Tripping On a Shoestring. But even if you only take day trips from home, don't miss this opportunity provided to us all by the very planet we live on.  Don't take it for granted. It's a free show complete with dancing fern, singing birds, babbling brooks, clean air and energy. The Earth's energy abounds. You will feel it the minute you step into the forest. You will soak it up, thrive on it and bring some home with you. Go plug in, get energized!

1 comment:

  1. We’re new to town. Where can we find information on trails within or close to the city? Is there a website? We only know Silver Creek Falls out of town, but there must be some along the river, etc. BTW, when tent camping or car camping, I used a small wok. I cook and serve a one dish meal, then heat water in it and wash the wok. Then heat a little more water and wash any dishes in the wok. All I needed in a camping kitchen was one wok and an old coffee pot for heating water for coffee or tea. When I used to cook over the fire, I had a bigger wok and wrapped the handle in foil and stored it in a bag. We just bought a used very small trailer so I picked up a new small wok for $12 at the Asian Market on Lancaster. Pam


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