Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Have you ever hiked or explored the Elliot State Forest in the Coast Range of Oregon? There are critters living everywhere.  The pix below is a bear's den.  A real bear's den.  In our family it is the famous (for personal reasons) "The Bear's Den".  I believe wilderness should be trod upon carefully but trod upon nonetheless.  If our (YOUR) wildernesses are not used, development will ensue.  Can you stand that? Just think, no place for the critters, no place for us critters to observe, no place to wander. 

Spring is here and summer waits in the wings. This is the time when we need to get out and really smell the flowers, or the "sign" left by critters, or the Mother Earth as she spreads her verdant arms to embrace all life as we know it. You don't have to "hike". You can take a road trip with the help of a good forest service map and then get out and walk along a mountain road. You may want to pitch a tent or sleep in your van like I do next to a stream.  But the important thing is to get out and do it. You will make memories to be fondled and played with in your "diaper and dribble-cup years" that will put a smile on your face and drive your care nurse crazy.  That's almost a "two-fer", two good times for one.

Since we all only get to do this earthly trip once, I hope you treasure each day and make the most of it. Go stick your head in an old bear's den. He might grump, but throw him an apple. That will shut him up and give you time to retreat. Actually, the chance of you catching a bear in the den is pretty slim. But the chance of catching wildflowers, birds, small animals, maybe an elk or a deer are pretty good.

You will love every breath you take in the wilderness. Treasure THAT!! And remember when it comes to our wilderness we have to use it or lose it! So USE the heck out of it, leaving no trace of yourself and taking life-long memories to be treasured over and over again.


  1. Wonderful essay. I can almost smell the forest as I read. Inspired.

  2. The last two months my posts didn’t post.  Hopefully this one will. I have found my file on Utah and wanted to loan it to you. I also have the books and maps. You can contact me at – I live very close to you. (The cat still loves your chair.)
    I haven’t read your book yet, so don’t know if you have this hint. When we were tent camping (in our younger days) we started really paring down what we took. As we were in bear country, all the food and kitchen items had to be in the car. So I decided to try taking only a wok and an old coffee pot. It worked great. We heated water in the coffee pot for tea and coffee and used the wok for everything else. I cooked one dish meals, then wiped and washed the wok - then heated water in it and washed the dishes in it. Then just wash it up and put it in its own bag. The bag was because half the time I was cooking over the fire and it was black on the bottom. Didn’t matter – I used it for many years. I enjoy your blog. We’re new in town and I like to talk to you about places to go in Salem. We have friends visiting soon and the only place I know to take them is Silver Creek Falls.

  3. The last two months my posts didn’t post.  Hopefully this one will. I have found my file on Utah and wanted to loan it to you. I also have the books and maps. You can contact me at – I live very close to you. (The cat still loves your chair.)
    I haven’t read your book yet, so don’t know if you have this hint. When we were tent camping (in our younger days) we started really paring down what we took. As we were in bear country, all the food and kitchen items had to be in the car. So I decided to try taking only a wok and an old coffee pot. It worked great. We heated water in the coffee pot for tea and coffee and used the wok for everything else. I cooked one dish meals, then wiped and washed the wok - then heated water in it and washed the dishes in it. Then just wash it up and put it in its own bag. The bag was because half the time I was cooking over the fire and it was black on the bottom. Didn’t matter – I used it for many years. I enjoy your blog. We’re new in town and I like to talk to you about places to go in Salem. We have friends visiting soon and the only place I know to take them is Silver Creek Falls.

  4. The last two months my posts didn’t post.  Hopefully this one will. I have found my file on Utah and wanted to loan it to you. I also have the books and maps. You can contact me at – I live very close to you. (The cat still loves your chair.)
    I haven’t read your book yet, so don’t know if you have this hint. When we were tent camping (in our younger days) we started really paring down what we took. As we were in bear country, all the food and kitchen items had to be in the car. So I decided to try taking only a wok and an old coffee pot. It worked great. We heated water in the coffee pot for tea and coffee and used the wok for everything else. I cooked one dish meals, then wiped and washed the wok - then heated water in it and washed the dishes in it. Then just wash it up and put it in its own bag. The bag was because half the time I was cooking over the fire and it was black on the bottom. Didn’t matter – I used it for many years. I enjoy your blog. We’re new in town and I like to talk to you about places to go in Salem. We have friends visiting soon and the only place I know to take them is Silver Creek Falls.


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